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About Us

Our Roots

At Redlitmus Communications, we’ve built numerous years of experience in the Voice and Messaging industry. Experience that helps us create innovative solutions for our clients’ needs. With over 10 years of experience in understanding the market demands we keep developing software services in the cloud for clients who wish to use Voice and Messaging services to develop a better business and raise customer satisfaction.

What You Need

Every business entity has number of customers, but reaching them has always been a challenge. This is where Redlitmus Communications can help you. We provide you software solutions integrated with communications solutions under one roof to venture out to your business needs rather than spending time learning or researching on how to reach the target market.

mBlastr, a cloud based cPaaS solution is a swiss knife in your digital promotions, customer service, day to day interaction with clients, authentication accessory and much more.

mBlastr helps you lift you company image from a traditional company to a modern one without any CAPEX. Using the mBlastr platform, you will be able to

All of these using Voice and/or SMS.

We offer a seamless integration of our software into your legacy system using API's. Through this you do not need to login to our system to do your day to day activities. We also offer callback solutions which will intern help your clients to reach out to you when they need your support.

How We Deliver

We offer a professional support team, to train you, to equip you rightly to run the software and not to forget, to keep the systems running 24/7.

We have assembled a team of professionals who are experts in their fields to identify client needs and formulate effective solutions via our software services.

Our reliable, efficient service is why we’ve been trusted by over number of clients to help them operate and grow successfully. Our team is always on hand to help with anything you need regarding our service.